There once existed an empire where snakebites became very rampant. Citizens were dying in their millions.
The emperor of the empire became very worried as he was fast losing the vast population that made him so powerful!
In the midst of of his worry and anxiety, a group of Medical Researchers came to tell him that they had discovered an Anti-Snake Venom.
The emperor heaved a sigh of relief as he imagined how the lives of millions of the citizens of his empire would be saved and his empire and power, preserved.
The Medical Research Company soon began to roll out the snakebite medicine in hundreds of thousands of tons. As soon as anyone had a snakebite, the medicine was available for a fee which was gladly paid. Lives were saved. Smiles returned to the faces of many. They became very productive again. In return, the Medical Research Company was paying huge amount of money to the empire in taxes. The emperor was very happy and became more powerful.
Then, suddenly, another group of Research Scientists came to the emperor to tell him that they had discovered a - one - time chemical that would kill all the snakes that have been causing the poisonous snakebites in the empire. And the chemical was available for only a token.
The emperor was in dilemma. He bowed his head. He thought to himself, "If I listen to eradicate the poisonous snakes, I would put the snake venom medicines sellers out of business : and the huge taxes would stop. If I refuse to eradicate the poisonous snakes, my people would continue to suffer snakebites and pay heavily for anti - snake venom and the research scientists with the solution to eradicate the snakes would see me as a wicked emperor, interested only in gains but ignoring the pains of the citizens. What should I do?" Then he lifted up his head and motioned with his two hands to the Scientists and said, "You are hired, go eradicate the poisonous snakes!"
Moral of the Parable : It is The Courage of The Emperor in the above parable that is required to fight corruption in any nation!
Written By Caleb Agboola Fabiyi in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, on Wednesday, 26th October, 2016, 09 : 00 AM, Local Time.
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