Friday, March 18, 2016

Strive for development or starve to death!

Of Laziness and Economic Depression.

The world is currently witnessing economic crunch of some sort.

Yet, in the same period, the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. Why?

The rich is cashing in on the laziness of the poor! The earth resources have not disappeared, they are just exchanging hands in a very dynamic manner, where wise people smile, and the foolish ones cry.  With the exception, of course, of the few physically - and- mentally- challenged- by - birth folks.

I think people wasting precious and hard earned money on data plan on social media for the fun of it, (and yet they cry hard of economic hardship) without contributing any economic benefit to the society, need to  have a rethink. Maybe they should go to the real field and get food, instead of chasing shadows on the global Cyberspace.

I think Agronomy can improve Economy.

How can hungry people, by reason of lack of food, think on how to improve their lives?

Fortunately, hunger can teach a man how to look for food, if only he is willing to learn. If he fails to learn, he might as well die of hunger!

Food is good and it's one of the best form of goods to be possessed by a society that hopes to be survived by subsequent generations.

But,  "No food for a lazy man", so the saying goes!

We must decry laziness in all its ramifications (including political laziness), if our society is going to overcome economic depression.

A lazy man is a crazy man,  for he hopes to eat without working.

A lazy man is just as good as being dead,
For he refuses to work for his daily bread.

We can overcome economic depression by both hard work and  smart work, combined.



  1. Dear Caleb,
    you have spoken the undiluted truth in its acidic form.

    The attitude of our youths towards the Internet or rather our orientation about it is so poor. We would spend hours chatting, downloading and watching musical videos, movies and the latest fashion trends day after day, week after week and month after month!

    When I visit a blog, I go to the comment section and try to see how people respond to the issue on ground but it hurts to find out that an educated youth would comment "too long, I can't read it, I don't have the time for such episode etc", how then can we progress and overcome economic depression?

    Yes, through smart work and hard work both running concurrently BUT, over 60% of us are guilty of both. Thus I suggest restructuring and re-orienting the mindsets is the first step to this Liberation.
    Its never too late to make a U-turn towards success! Thank you!

    Patsy-Pearl Samuel

  2. Dear Caleb,
    you have spoken the undiluted truth in its acidic form.

    The attitude of our youths towards the Internet or rather our orientation about it is so poor. We would spend hours chatting, downloading and watching musical videos, movies and the latest fashion trends day after day, week after week and month after month!

    When I visit a blog, I go to the comment section and try to see how people respond to the issue on ground but it hurts to find out that an educated youth would comment "too long, I can't read it, I don't have the time for such episode etc", how then can we progress and overcome economic depression?

    Yes, through smart work and hard work both running concurrently BUT, over 60% of us are guilty of both. Thus I suggest restructuring and re-orienting the mindsets is the first step to this Liberation.
    Its never too late to make a U-turn towards success! Thank you!

    Patsy-Pearl Samuel

  3. Dear Patsy - Pearl,

    Sorry for just replying your comment.

    I appreciate your comment and I sure believe today's youths do need a re-orientation. I will continue to share my thoughts on this platform for all who care to read. We can change the world, one soul at a time!
