Tuesday, December 31, 2013



A.   I  am alone but not lonely or abandoned
B.   I have boundaries but not bound
C.   I am contented but not complacent
D.   I am determined but not desperate
E.   I am excited but not estranged
F.    I am focused but not foolish
G.  I am goal-oriented but not godless
H.  I am happy but not heady
I.      I am independent but not indispensable
J.     I am joyous but not jesting
K.  I am knowledgeable but not knocking people down
L.   I am loving but not lusting
M. I am motivated but not meddling
N.   I am noble but not naïve
O.  I am optimistic but not obstructive
P.    I am prosperous but not pompous
Q.  I am qualified but not quarrelsome
R.   I am resilient but not rude
S.    I am sober but not sad
T.   I am tenacious but not  trepidus
U.   I am understanding but not undeserving
V.   I am victorious but do not victimize
W.I am working but not worn out
X.    I have xylophonic heart but not x-ray-phobic of my character
Y.   I am yearning but not yawning

Z.   I am zealous but not a zealot.