Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hard and Tough? Hope!

Hard and Tough? Hope!
When life hits you so hard
Don't you behave like a bastard ‎
Remember God in heaven is your father‎
So trust Him, relax and rest on His Shoulder!‎

When in life things get very tough
Courage and faith, for you will be enough‎
And don't you forget to just keep on  sailing
Also be determined never to consider wailing!

‎When it seems you're losing hope
Thinking, in life, you can no longer cope
That is the time to strengthen your resolve
If you do, you will soon see the mist dissolve!

And Remember to always say, Hello to Excellence!!!‎

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

O Child!- A Poem for Children's Day, 2015.

This is wishing Children all over the World, a very happy Children's Day!

Here is a Poem Specially written for this day:

‎O CHILD! May 27th, 2015.

O child, our hope and our joy,
Don't play with your life like toy,
Whether you're a girl or a boy,
Allow no one, your future, to destroy!

O child, please, use your brain well,
Your great destiny no one can tell,
Announce your decision with a bell,‎
Ring it: I'll allow no one, my future, to  sell! ‎

O child, always remember God,
Let Him always ok your actions with a nod,
Don't allow God to use on your back, a rod,‎
Daily bind yourself to heaven with prayer cord.

O child, be obedient, now and always,
In all the months, including Decembers and Mays,
So shall you live long on earth and see many days,
And upon your  paths in life shall shine, light rays.

Copyright 2015 By Caleb Agboola Fabiyi.‎

Hello, Children all over the World, beginning with my beautiful daughter, Abisola Joan Agboola, Let us all Say, Hello to Excellence, today and for ever!

Excel or Go into Extinction!

  1. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle.

    The Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary meaning of excellence, stuck in my brain since I checked it over ten years ago,( if my memory serves me right, and I trust God it does) states: the quality of being extremely good. Good definition! I have however come with my own definition of excellence. Here it is: It is a state of never ending improvement in order to become the best, not as compared to other people, but as compared to your own inner potentials deposited within you. (comparing what you are to what you could be, and striving to become better and better, daily, until you become the BEST, when who you are matches who you could be- and that is never ending!)

    Our competition for Excellence, then, is not with others but with our own selves! Outer self competing with the inner self! You excel your previous performances, daily. When you would have done this consistently, that is to have attained excellence.

    As for the great potentials deposited within each of us to daily compare ourselves with, as we daily strive to attain excellence, I bring to you the words of Orison Swett Marden: "Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life, if aroused and put into action."

    Let's say Hello to Excellence!!!  

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Reward of Initiative

"The world bestows its BIG PRIZES both in money and honours for but one thing, and that is, INITIATIVE. And what is initiative? I'll tell you: it is doing the right thing without being told"- Elbert Hubbard.

Very true! Here's a short story to illustrate that. I once parked my car outside and office where I entered to carry out a transaction. Before I finished, the security man had cleaned the car, with the tyres looking shiny black! He did not request for any amount, but I just had to pay him two times what I would have ordinarily paid. The Reward of Initiative: BIG PRIZES!

Now, that was on a small scale. Do you know the big prizes you can possibly win in life, in your career or job, if you just take initiative? Take INITIATIVE today, as you say, Hello to Excellence!

Friday, May 22, 2015

'Disruptious' Awakening!

'Disruptious' Awakening: We all naturally have the tendency to remain in a state of rest or be in constant motion even if it is getting us nowhere. It's like the very nature itself enjoys rest or motion! But getting somewhere (a great and good place) is more rewarding than the motion or the rest. We all need what I call 'Disruptious' Awakening to constantly assess our progress in life. We must consciously CREATE 'Disruptious' Awakening to avoid what John Wooden advised against here: "Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress."
Let's say, Hello to Excellence, as we daily  strive for Progress!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Surest Way to Excellence!

There is ONLY one SUREST WAY to Excellence: DILIGENCE! All other ways always lead away from the way, in a way, and will in no way lead up way, when walking down way is always our way all the way!
Let us all Say, HELLO TO EXCELLENCE, diligently!!
Up way to Excellence all the way!!!


I am tired of knowing,
I want to start doing!
I am tired of dreaming,
I want to live my dream!
I am tired of talking,
I want to walk the talk!
I am tired of wishing,
I want to be willing!
I am tired of hoping,
I want to be the hope!