Thursday, October 17, 2013


YOU are welcome to my Blog! I am Fabiyi Agboola Caleb. I am an Inspirational Poet and Writer who is committed to Inspiring Millions of people all over the world, through my articles, poems, books and speeches. This Blog is actually a forerunner of my book, "Hello To Excellence, To Hell With Mediocrity- Poetic Inspiration for Excellent Achievements", which is scheduled to be published later  this year. I will be sharing with you here my articles, thoughts, poems and excerpts from my books.

All the writings on this Blog remain my Intellectual Property, except where otherwise stated, as in, quoted words, and should therefore not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from me. I also want to you to help in recommending this blog to your friends and family members as it is set to do all, a great deal of good! WELCOME! AS WE, TOGETHER, SAY, "HELLO TO EXCELLENCE!"
Today, I want to begin by sharing this poem, "Excellence In Our World", with you. Here we go:
(Dedicated to the United Nations)
Citizens of the World, in all nations and continents
the success of  everyone in everywhere is pertinent
and with mediocrity will we no longer be convenient
until excellence among us all is  made permanent
Citizens of the World, let us all be strong
Though some of us may sometimes be wrong
Yet, this one thing I  do know – it’ll not be long
We shall,  all, together, sing a new song!
Citizens of the World, we shall be made big
When the goldmine within us we dig
And wear the great wisdom of the sage like a wig
Then our lands  shall be fruitful like a fig
Citizens of the World, be bold and be brave
And let us unerringly after dignity, crave
To serve humanity before we go to the grave
And spread greatness to all and sundry like a wave
(c) 2013 Fabiyi Agboola Caleb.
Now, have you been inspired by this poem?
Please, do these two things:
1. Act on your Inspiration- Turn Inspiration to Action.
2. Recommend this blog to family members and friends.
And remember to always say, 'Hello To Excellence!'



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